Each party represents that they have access to a computer with camera/video and speaker/microphone capabilities, as well as to a strong, secure (non-public, password protected) WiFi connection.
Each party agrees to utilize the Zoom platform for online mediation sessions.
Each party agrees to familiarize themselves with the Zoom platform in advance of scheduling any online mediation session.
Each party agrees that they will not record any mediation session in any way – audio, visual, or otherwise.
Each party agrees that they will not allow any third party to be present for, watch, and/or listen in on any online mediation session. This means that each party agrees to be alone during such online mediation session, behind a closed door or otherwise far enough from third parties to prevent their ability to watch or listen in on the mediation session.
Online Mediation Set-Up:
Each party agrees to ensure the following in advance of each online mediation session:
They will use a secure (non-public, password protected) Wi-Fi network that has a strong connection and will confirm that it is working.
They will choose a location from which to virtually connect to the online mediation session that is quiet, private, and will be free from interruption by any third parties. If necessary, they will inform third parties in the vicinity that they are not to be interrupted during the scheduled mediation time.
They will log in to Zoom early before each mediation session to confirm that the audio and visual functions are working.
Audio: They will confirm that their computer speaker and microphone capabilities are set up and able to connect to Zoom.
They will confirm that their computer camera is set up and able to connect to Zoom.
They will position the camera such that their shoulders and face will be visible on screen during the mediation.
They will adjust the lighting such that their face and upper body are well-lit and visible.